I Was About to Buy a Wi-Fi Phone and a New MP3 Player…

…but Apple just came up with their new Ipod touch. Good job, Steve, you’ve finally convinced me to buy an Ipod.

I was indeed looking to get a Wi-Fi capable cell phone to allow me to check my emails, read feeds, or check out Digg while on the go but without ruining myself with huge data costs. Plus, I live in Paris and there are more and more Wi-Fi spots here.

It was also the time for me to get a new MP3 player, since my old but cool 512MB Samsung YP-T7 Player (I love the fact that it’s so tiny!) can’t hold lots of albums.

Since the Ipod touch is Wi-Fi capable and has a 8GB or 16GB storage capability (which is more than enough for me), and is priced at $299 and $399, well, this gorgeous thing will be perfect for me.

I’ve also noted in the online presentation that the Ipod touch has a shortcut to Google. With this kind of partnership, Google has just won millions of wireless users of their search engine.