Stepping Into Mobile Search

I recently left the firm for which I was doing SEO consulting. As some of you know, I’ve been working for Aposition since April 2006 in order to build and manage SEO campaigns for medium and large websites.

I was proud to work with such a good company, full of talented folks. Aposition is a well reknowed SEO company here in France and Europe. This recognition is mostly due to their very first sucess with Kelkoo (a Yahoo Company), a shopping comparison engine which owns most of its early sucess to the great SEO efforts brought by Aposition.
I’ve been learning a lot during my time at Aposition, both in terms of SEO, but also in terms of management and client relationship. This position was also a chance for me to get to know more about the Internet marketing industry in France and in Europe.

I’m leaving on good terms, and I’ll still be in touch with people from Aposition, and will still meet them on Fridays to have a drink and play pool or video games 🙂

So what’s next? Well, I’ve just started as an inhouse SEO Manager for a large mobile content provider. This won’t be a regular SEO job. In fact, I will take care mainly of mobile search projects. I have no previous experience in mobile search optimization as such, since it’s really new, but I’m progessively learning.

In the next few days, I will try to give you an insight of mobile search and share a few tips.

What I can tell you so far is that traditional search engines are doing all they can to get their part of the growing mobile search pie. But it ain’t that easy. In fact, they’re kind of struggling. Most of searches made on mobile today are “on-deck”, which means that most of mobile users are searching from their operators’s WAP portal.

And most of the operators are afraid of Google and others. They prefer to use white label technologies from new firms, such as JumpTap for Virgin Mobile USA, or Medio Systems for T Mobile USA.

However, Google and others have managed to sign deals with network operators, for example Google recently signed a deal with China Mobile, the largest operator in China.

I have added a new category to this blog: Mobile Search, hopefully I will fill it with useful posts for those interested in mobile search optimization.

6 thoughts on “Stepping Into Mobile Search

  1. Bill

    Hi Nadir,

    Congratulations on your new job.

    I’ve been paying more attention to mobile search lately, too. It seems like a good direction to move in. I wish you success in your new position.

  2. Nadir Post author

    Hi Bill,

    Thanks a lot. That was a hard decision to take, but indeed, I think I did the right choice and hopefully will learn a lot.
    BTW, please keep talking about mobile search patents 😉

  3. Bill

    I imagine that it was a difficult decision.

    The mobile search patent posts will keep on coming. I like the idea of having a weekly feature focusing upon those, and I’m learning a lot from them. 🙂

  4. Joe Dolson

    Congratulations, Nadir! That sounds like a pretty exciting new job. Leaving a job after just 8 months can be challenging – but I think that moving into the mobile search area sounds like a very exciting new direction!

    Looking forward to hearing what you have to say (understanding, of course, that the most interesting things you’ll learn may well not be disclosable…)

    Best of luck!

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