Mobile SEO: Google Updates its Mobile Web Index

I was looking at the ranking positions on Google Mobile for a bunch of websites I’m working on and noticed what looks like a major update in the “Mobile Web” index (I’m linking to a search results page here)

If you do Mobile SEO, you’ve probably noticed the poor quality of the search results in Google’s Mobile Web index: it was not very relevant, you’d often find pages from forums with the keyword only mentioned twice, or pages from .edu sites, or even pages from YouTube (lots of them).

That couldn’t create a good mobile search user experience. That’s why I believe Google has been working hard on improving the relevancy of its Mobile Web Search Results. And it is now rewarding mobile site owners who have great content and quality links. I hope it stays that way.

You’ll notice that Google includes regular PC sites in its Mobile Web index, but these sites actually have mobile versions, so when users click on it from Google Mobile, they’ll be redirected to a mobile friendly page. So if you do SEO for your PC site, and automatically redirect users to the mobile version of your site when they visit it from a mobile phone, you have some good chances of being included in Google’s Mobile Web Index.

I manage several websites and mobile websites and they’ve all obtained better rankings today on Google Mobile, so I guess you’ll notice something for your sites too.

4 thoughts on “Mobile SEO: Google Updates its Mobile Web Index

  1. Uros

    I noticed a drop in traffic from google all over my sites. I am not sure if they updated their mobile web index. It looks more like some big operator dropped google as their default search engine since I still rank
    high for most of the search terms I used to but there’s just no traffic from google on these search terms for the past few days.

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