Local Mobile Search: Google Launches User Reviews

When you just arrive in a new town and are looking for a good restaurant, the only way for most people is to use their cell phone and call a local directory, or use a search engine.

But besides finding a name and a location for the type of restaurant you’re looking for, these services won’t give you more information about the place.

To avoid possible disappointments, it’d be good to have reviews and ratings of the businesses you’ve found via a mobile search engine.

Google has recently enabled users to write reviews of businesses from their mobile phone.

If you go to Google from your cell and search for a business, then click on it, you’ll see a link to write a review about it and also to rate it (1-5 stars).
google mobile search reviews local search

google mobile reviews

This is a really nice feature, it allows people to easily and quickly get reviews about a business and then decide if they want to go there or not.

Via Google Mobile Blog.

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